How to have an intro meeting with the LC on YaizY platform

Before the Intro Meeting with the LC

  1. Send the LC a note with the link to the YaizY platform and his entry code.

❗ Don’t copy and paste the whole table, select one relevant link and entry codes for that link.

Teacher Course Link to the YaizY platform for the LC Entry code for the LC Entry code for the LC #2 Entry code for the LC #3 Entry code for YaizY Teaching Assistant
Sunny Snell CS Fundamentals 218858 559821 260890 706935
Eric Skogen Comp Sci 2 331841 329484 467349 247912
Eric Skogen Game Design 499188 179938 140091 230548
John Barthelmes Comp Sci 2 451293 409493 728741 990197
Maggie Martin Animation A/B 514505 472450 971925 863768
Chase Taylor Animation A/B 615825 231554 655858 420926
Amy Klein Changemakers 635262 710400 883802 219561
Nataleh Howard Changemakers 563994 773046 271737 400818
Nataleh Howard Intro to Business 978183 555437 604289 316644

📌 If you have several meetings with different LCs, the link and the entry code will be the same for each LC.

📌 If you do not have the link or the entry code, please write to @Nadia Kliarovskaia in Slack

  1. Create a back-up Google Meets / Zoom meeting.

📌 In some of the schools YaizY platform might be blocked. You need to be prepared for this, and create a back-up Google Meets / Zoom meeting before the call with the LC. Do not send this link to the LC beforehand to avoid confusion.

How to Start the Meeting (Launch the lesson): Senior Teacher

  1. Login to your Senior Teacher account via YaizY Platform (‣).
  2. Open ‘Schedule’ tab and choose ‘All classes’ tab.
  3. Scroll down and find your course from the table above with the Start date 17 Aug, 2023. Press ‘Join the lesson’ button.
  4. Check your camera and mic (you can turn them off if you want) and select ‘Join lesson’

Screenshot 2022-07-09 at 16.40.36.png

  1. Press ‘Start’

    Screenshot 2022-07-09 at 17.11.10.png

  2. All done, you’re ready to meet the Learning Coach!

    Screenshot 2022-07-09 at 17.16.03.png

How to join the meeting: Teaching Assistant

  1. Go to and log out of your current account

    Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 14.55.04.png