How students submit their project assignments

How students should upload their assignments

  1. Each student have their individual folder created by YaizY
  2. Teachers & LC have access to this folder, YaizY admins can add observers/parents/other team members to these folders by request
  3. After student completed the task, they should upload the results to this Google Drive. Upload to Canvas isn’t required
    1. Assignment should be named in a clear way, e.g. Project 1. Animated autoportrait
    2. Students should save assignment in a correct and visible format (e.g. gif, mp4, jpeg, pdf, Google Docs etc)
    3. Student can save any course related work in this folder, teacher should review and provide feedback only for graded assignments
  4. During grading, teacher should check if assignment was uploaded to the student’s folder.
  5. After teacher saw the results, teacher should grade the work and add grades and comments on Canvas

TBD: Tracker of graded assignments for each group

How Google Drive is organised

  1. All assignments should be uploaded to individual student Google Drive (link to the root folder)
    1. Each course has its own Google Drive

    2. For each group, 1. you have a separate folder for each group (available to teachers & LC)


      Screenshot 2022-08-26 at 05.15.20.png

    3. In a group folder, you need to create a folder for each student. It’s students personal folder.


      Screenshot 2022-08-26 at 05.17.15.png

      • Add folder with student’s name (e.g. ‘John Doe’)

      • Once you’ve created all folders, please send a note with a full students lists to @Maria Lapazina on Slack. Admin will share access to this folder with the student, give them ‘Content manager’ access.

      • Check that the access to the folder is correct, it should be ‘Content Manager’

        Screenshot 2022-08-26 at 05.32.45.png

        ⚠️ Note to admins: Please share student’s personal folder with an individual student. Other students shouldn’t have access to their classmates’ folders

Useful links