Step 1. Log in as a student

  1. Go to and click on ‘Login’

    Image (5).png

  2. Enter your credentials

    Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 09.05.38.png

  3. You’ll see the full list of lessons in the ‘Syllabus’ section. Select the one that you need and click on a blue arrow to join the lesson.

Step 2. Explore lesson features

  1. You can switch between the slides by using the arrows on the bottom of the screen or by choosing a specific task on the progress bar.


  2. You can hide and expand the progress bar by clicking the arrow in the right bottom of the screen.


  3. You can check your progress in the progress bar.

    Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 12.24.57.png

Step 3. Close the lesson

  1. Click the exit icon on the left bottom of the screen to exit a lesson.

    Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 12.25.24.png

    <aside> ❗

    You can always get back to any lesson later


  2. You’ll be redirected back to the dashboard and can move to the next lesson.